Website Terms of Use
This Website Terms of Use Template is intended to be a contract between the website owner and each user of the site, and is designed for posting on the website. It contains provisions governing website users’ access to and use of the site. To protect the website owner, the Terms of Use needs to be implemented in a way that makes it enforceable (e.g., have actual or constructive notice of the terms of use, and affirmatively or impliedly assent to the terms of use). Website Terms of Use not only aims to help the site owner minimize its potential liability to site users, but it also protects the intellectual property included on the site, and ensures the site is not used in an illegal or undesirable manner.
This template is intended for use in conjunction with a Privacy Policy.
IMPORTANT: Please consult a local attorney and remove any red commentary before executing!
Template was last updated: September 2021

May 1, 2021