Website Privacy Policy Template
This template is used to advise visitors to a website of the type of information that will be collected and the uses of such information. This policy is based on the European Union’s GDPR and California’s Consumer Privacy Act, and assumes that your company will be functioning as a data processor (as opposed to a data collector) and is collecting information on a site that sells products/services. This policy can be used in combination with a websites’s Terms of Use, Terms of Sale, and other terms to form complete and comprehensive terms and conditions. It is highly recommended that you make sure this policy is in a prominent link on your website that users can easily find, and obtain and record the user’s/customer’s affirmative assent to these terms via clickwrap.
Note: this policy may not be suitable for financial institutions or companies providing any type of financial services to consumers that require the collection of nonpublic personal information.
This template was last updated: September 2021.
Be sure to complete all applicable sections, remove all commentary, and consult a local attorney before executing!
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December 15, 2021